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Camarillo, Ca

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Types of ADUs 

Attached ADUs shares at least one common wall with the primary dwelling and is not fully contained within the existing space of the primary dwelling (addition to existing home or garage conversion).

Detached ADUs does not share a common wall with the primary dwelling. 

Internal ADUs are fully contained within the primary dwelling unit or an accessory structure (room conversion).

Junior ADUs are fully contained within the primary dwelling unit and are less than 500 square feet (room conversion). 


ADUs are permitted in all residential zones.

Design Regulations

One ADU of any type may be permitted on each residential lot with a single-family residence. Two ADUs may be permitted only if one is a detached ADU and one is a Junior ADU.

Exterior design, colors, materials, and textures of ADUs must match the primary dwelling units. The table below provides the maximum size for ADUs in different situations. The minimum size of any ADU is 150 square feet. 

ADUs are subject to the same front yard setbacks as the primary residence. Side and rear yard setbacks are four feet.

Attached, internal, and Junior ADUs have the same maximum height limit as the primary dwelling unit or 25 feet, whichever is lower. Detached ADUs are limited to 16 feet. Detached ADUs within ½ mile walking distance from the train station are limited to 18 feet in height, plus an additional two feet to accommodate a roof pitch matching the main residence. 

ADUs must conform to the lot coverage standards for the underlying zone. However, lot coverage standards may not prohibit an ADU in the side or rear yards that does not exceed 800 square feet or a height of 16 feet, and meets the 4-foot side and rear yard setbacks.

ADUs must include permanent cooking, sink, and bathroom facilities. Junior ADUs must include an efficiency kitchen which must include, at a minimum, a sink, refrigerator, counter, and cabinets. Junior ADUs may, but are not required to, include separate bathroom facilities from the primary dwelling unit.

Attached and internal ADUs must have a separate exterior entrance, which must be located on the side or rear of the primary dwelling unit whenever possible.

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